A growing community of people discovering the life they long for in the life they have


As a member you’ll receive regular reflections, online courses, gatherings, merch and more. Your contribution also supports my work and sustains the podcast.

What began as a personal reminder has become a mantra for people all over the world, a declaration that the life we long for is hidden in the life we have.

This is the main event that has become a mantra in our house. Perhaps even a prayer. It said when the walls are closing in, when the bin bag splits, when you feel so wound up and become so brittle, the jam jar smashing could break you into as many pieces. It’s said when the disappointment comes and despair rattles his gritty knuckles on the door of our hearts. It’s spoken as an invitation to feel and not forget that life is made up of many parts and if any of it matters then all of it does. It’s a simple phrase but it calls me to attention, it’s so easy to imagine there’s something else that all this is leading to but what if this is it?

What if we’re standing at the top of a mountain asking when we’ll reach the summit? Look around, the Himalayas are in your home. Look in the back of the tupperware draw that you never got around to organising. The life we long for is hidden in the life we have. I believe that. It grates me and frustrates me but I think that it’s true. I think the more we can see the door underneath the woven rug, laid upon the floors of our ordinary and contradictory lives, the deeper we live, the more fulfilled we are and able to be a gift of grace to others.

So that’s what we do around here, instead of escaping into the shallow lands of doom scrolling and denial we’re learning to slowly feel it all, though it scares us half to death. We’re travelling deeper into who we are and where we are, realising that it is better to live naked in truth than clothed in fantasy. We’re learning to hold the merger offering of our life, like loaves and fishes before the God who loves us and trust that something beautiful and nourishing can come of it.

Your membership helps sustain and further the podcast!

Featured Course

Speak into the Chaos

Silence shame, Discover your sound & Speak into the Chaos.

There's something in you that we need out here. Our interior experience defines our exterior expression. These two worlds are irrevocably connected, the work we make is formed by the heart we shape. I’ve spent my entire life creating new things, from poems to non-profits and I’ve learnt some invaluable lessons along the way, I’d love to share them with you. Whether your creative work is writing songs, raising children or leading teams, I want nothing more than to see you become free from all that silences you and stops you from expressing your truest, wildest and most creative self.

What you get when you sign up

  • Regular reflections to help you discover the life you long for in the life you have .

  • Retain access to the archive (all the emails sent so far).

  • Access to my course “Speak into the Chaos” helping you “Silence shame and Discover your sound” (worth £50).

  • An invitation to our monthly “Main Event” gathering where (on Zoom), I’ll share more about these themes, host Q&A’s and invite inspiring guests to join us.

  • For those that sign up for the year (cheaper), you’ll also receive one of our beautiful ceramic mugs, with a handcrafted design (above).

  • Your offering will help support my work as a writer in the world and make it possible for me to develop the podcast and share the message further.